Friday Apr 16, 2021

Filmmaking on a Small Budget | Co-Directors, AJ Davies & Jay Sutherland, Discuss Making The Cold

Co-directors of the short film, The Cold, Jay Sutherland and Anthony (AJ) Davies, discuss filmmaking on a micro-budget. 

Anthony and Jay recount the details of that process; the challenges they faced and how they overcame them; from filming in a foreign country, to the meticulous and often laborious visual effects and editing process, on an ever-changing, constantly tight, budget.

In spite of all of the challenges and difficulties, the end-product was a film which was accepted at numerous international film-festivals, received a High Commendation, and has acted as a stepping-stone for some interesting projects.

Hopefully this podcast will be interesting to young and experienced film-makers alike; those who might stand to learn something, and those who simply enjoy listening to filmmakers regale tales of an unusual film-making process.

The Cold was co-directed by AJ Davies and Jay Sutherland, written by the Bram Stoker award-winning novelist, Kealan Patrick Burke, and starred Kacey Clarke (of Resident Evil: Afterlife and The Inbetweeners) alongside Jay.

It’s free to view on YouTube here:

We hope you enjoy listening!

(This podcast was recorded in the Summer of 2020)

Learn more about Jay Sutherland:
IMdb: //
Twitter: @jaysutherland

Learn more about Face Fiction Productions:
website: //
Twitter: @FaceFactFiction

Learn more about AJ Davies:
IMdb: //

Music for intro and outro: 
Awake, by Scott Holmes -


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